Solar skids are an innovation in the renewable energy space that provide fast, flexible, and efficient installation for grid interconnection of PV arrays. The EMI team can build custom power distribution systems for your solar application that will provide reliable, constant power wherever they are deployed.
Solar skids are stand-alone, self-contained power generation systems. They are typically built on a metal platform (the skid) that contains switchgear, transformers, and monitoring equipment. EMI will make all interconnections between skid mounted components prior to shipment. Solar skids are highly portable and can be delivered by flatbed truck or trailer. Once they arrive onsite, solar skids are quick to install and provide power as soon as they are up and running.
Solar Skid Use Cases
Solar skids are useful in several end applications. By combining multiple system components onto a single shipping skid, installation time is reduced. Skid-type solutions are most beneficial when applied to interconnections of 500kW or greater with large connections between transformers and switchgear.
Solar Skid Power Distribution Considerations
When designing power distribution for a solar skid system, the EMI team will consult with you on several factors.
System Size and Capacity
We must match the power distribution system with the power output of the interconnected solar array, so we will need to know the solar energy system’s size and capacity.
Utility Connection Requirements
If you are designing skids that will be connected to the grid, we can build a solution that complies with utility standards and voltage levels. EMI has extensive experience working with large utilities, including Xcel Energy and Alliant Energy.
Environmental and Safety Concerns
The EMI team works with you to determine the weatherproofing, grounding, and fault protection needs for your solar skids. These protections ensure the safety of equipment as well as the people operating the system and shield the unit against harsh weather conditions.
Solar Skid Power Distribution Components
The power distribution components for a solar skid are similar to those for any other solar energy system. EMI works with you to design custom switchgear for your solar skid systems. Our power distribution cabinets contain all the equipment required to control and distribute power in a single unit to minimize installation time. We can build a custom solution for you that includes:
- Switchgear
- Set up and grounding transformers
- Monitoring equipment
- Other equipment as required
Solar skids offer flexible, efficient, and cost-effective power generation for equipment in remote sites and harsh environments. EMI partners with you to build a custom power distribution system for your solar skid that will provide reliable power, no matter it is deployed.

Contact us today to learn more about what we can build for you.