a grey container with doors

How EMI Designs Switchboard Enclosures for the Different Utility Companies

Every utility company has different requirements for metering enclosures that distribute their power. From current and voltage transformers to meter sockets and the size of the enclosure itself, EMI has experience partnering with a wide range of utility companies to ensure our enclosures are built to their specifications.

Design Considerations for Switchboard Enclosures

When EMI designs a switchboard enclosure, we work with our customer and their utility company to understand any and all requirements to build a custom cabinet that will safely and dependably supply power to the property while meeting utility requirements.

Utility Metering Equipment

Metering a customer’s power use is a top priority for utility companies. A utility’s metering equipment includes provisions for utility company provided current and voltage transformers. Utilities often have requirements as to how these pieces of equipment are laid out within the enclosure, down to the number of holes on the bus bar and the size, shape, and location of busbars. EMI can meet a wide range of design standards and can work with you to design an enclosure that meets your utility’s requirements.

Enclosure Security

Many utilities have security requirements to ensure the safety of their equipment with your switchgear enclosure. Power companies may have specifications for door size as well as the amount of clearance around the cabinet to ensure easy access to the enclosure. Most utilities require particular door locks, too. It is also common for utilities to require a fiberglass or metal barrier within the enclosure to isolate equipment that only the utility can access. 

EMI’s Approved Switchgear Enclosure Designs

EMI has built enclosures to the specifications of many of the largest utility companies across the country, including Xcel, Alliant, Connexus, Ameren, We Energies, Georgia Power, BG&E, PSEG, WPS and EUSERC, among others. We have approved enclosure designs for many of these utilities as well as stock cabinets that are approved for use. You can trust EMI to build a switchgear enclosure that meets your power distribution needs and the requirements of your utility.

EMI is a leading designer and installer of custom switchboards and enclosures. We work with property owners and developers to ensure their electrical systems perform optimally and safely. For help choosing the right enclosure for your project, contact the EMI team today.