a two grey lockers with doors open

Type 3R-Rated Outdoor Switchgear Enclosures

Outdoor switchgear enclosures protect essential electrical components from the elements. Type 3R-rated enclosures are some of the most popular and affordable options for commercial and industrial spaces. At EMI, we build and manufacture two different styles of type 3R enclosures. Get in touch with our team to learn which one may be the right choice for your property.

Type 3R-Rated Non-Walk-in Enclosures

Type 3R non-walk-in enclosures are basic units with small footprints. The enclosure includes a roof overhang and weather-proof door to protect the switchboard components from the elements, falling debris, and tampering.

Type 3R non-walk-in enclosures are by far the most common enclosures we install for customers. These enclosures are ubiquitous in commercial and industrial projects. For example, you may find type 3R non-walk-in enclosures on the sides of strip malls or other commercial buildings. They are a basic, affordable solution for switchgear protection.

Type 3R-Rated Walk-In Enclosures

Type 3R-rated walk-in enclosures provide more protection to workers than non-walk-in enclosures. They feature weatherproof front aisleways in addition to the door and roof. These aisleways are usually four feet long and include lighting and a 20-amp outlet. Forced-air ventilation is also available, though the enclosures are not insulated.

Type 3R-rated walk-in enclosures offer protection from the elements for workers. They are a good option for larger facilities. Manufacturers running multiple services may choose to install one or more walk-in enclosures around their building to protect their switchgear. While much less common than non-walk-in enclosures, type 3R-rated walk-in enclosures are a useful option for many facilities.

While type 3R-rated enclosures are very common, they are not the only option for protecting switchgear. In our next blog, we’ll take a closer look at full electrical enclosures, advanced options that provide exceptional protection for large switchgear systems.

EMI is a leading designer and installer of type 3R-rated and other outdoor switchgear enclosures. We work with commercial and industrial customers across a wide range of markets to ensure their electrical systems perform optimally and safely. For help choosing the right enclosure for your facility, contact the EMI team today.